phpBB and real life work
Hey folks,
my first blog entry here. I am not a good blogger, in fact i do not like blogging that much. But you are able to tell your thoughts sometimes.
First of all, i want to tell you something about developing phpBB in spare time and how it fits into real (paid) work life, for those constantly moaning about slow development speed.
I am employed by a successful company placed in website marketing/programming and technical solutions for other companies. Recently we merged with another company doing prospects, flyers, newspaper ads and other image related marketing. Due to this change, i have to work more than ever... i am going to work at about 9 am (between 8am and 9am i am checking my private mails) and working till 5 to 6 pm. This is from Monday to Friday, sometimes i have to do work at home at Saturday or after the normal work hours (because i am the only employee here - now with the other company there are three additional people, but they do not interfere with my work).
At work i am programming our websites, deciding and working out new technologies we offer to other companies (for example third content inclusions for mobile content and delivering these at third party websites or during a special campaign), as well as administrating all server we have (and this is more than one because of the amount of websites we host). Therefore i do not have that much time on my hands to do any phpBB programming during work.
Now, i am home, if all is well at about 6 pm, eating something, maybe cleaning the dishes or showering, calling friends, the common stuff.
If i am in the mood, i begin to power on my development server and doing some programming, thinking about how to implement this feature, how to extend the next functionality, how to do this, how to integrate that... sometimes i am only doing phpBB work at the Weekend.
Now, you can imagine how much hours i am actually working at phpBB during the week, it is not as much as i want to do (since it is still a lot of fun).
Sometimes i am "producing" nothing in a week, sometimes i manage to write up the complete PM thingy within one week, it depends on the spare time i have.
Now, if i would be able to program at phpBB full-time, i would probably be able to write up the amount of a week within a working day.
Another issue always getting a bitter feeling is the circumstance of reading something like: "to write good code takes time". This is of course true, but we do not sit there 8+ hours a day coding for phpBB, it takes time because we are not able to code 8+ hours a day. ;)
Hopefully you now understand a little bit why it is taking time (and more time as expected because of personal events resulting in someone not able to code for a few weeks or months).
Well, Acyd, you're doing great job anyway! Slower or faster, the result is great. phpBB is a legend for me.
Reading the CVS logs I can see that maybe 2.0.14 is coming too :)
Am I right?
So don't say you are working slow on phpBB. It is even more than enough with you personal life.
Keep doing this great work!
should get the phpbb blog system :P
You shouldnt think to much about what the people say, like "you guys are slow" and all, after all YOU guys are making it, not them. i for one think your doing a great job, and hope ill ever get as good as you guys are.
good luck!
Keep going Acyd ! It's not so easy to do the work you've done on phpbb.
To those that say progress is slow, I assume that rather than moaning about it they are all active MOD contributers? No! Thought not.
Your doing a great job but there are still too many ungrateful people in this world. Hark, I can just about hear the world smallest violin playing their tune ;)
Work can suck, I will not leave my identity, but I asume you will work out who I am. I have done a lot of work on phpBB but that's not important. What is important is that you enjoy the work, no-one wants to create something they hate. You don't want to stop giving support because it was such a hassle to make.
I am losing interest in phpBB due to the complaints you get, I for one think the idiots should learn to do it themselves if they don't want to wait.
Hi Acyd Burn
can You tell me/us [in %] how much time you spend on coding phpBB2/phpBB3.
e.g.: When I'm coding phpBB it is:
60% phpBB3
40% phpBB2
hmm, actually maybe 10% of my free time at all and 20% phpBB2/80% phpBB3 at the moment.
Wo kann man dein Blog denn finden? Neuerdings scheint in den Profilen die Blogs nicht mehr zu listen. :)
Hi Acyd!
Ich kann dich gut verstehen ;)
Aber die meisten sind stolz auf dich und naderman!
Ihr seid DIE DEUTSCHEN Entwickler!
Und ich freue mich auf das phpBB3.
Greetz auch an naderman ;)(bin whitenexx ;) )
Wenn jemand interesse hat kann ja mal in unserer Community vorbeischauen:
hello acyd burn..ur id name attract me into ur blog..
i am not a blogger..but it seem fun to have a blog rite?...
comment..i hv nothing to i turn it up and bring it on questions..
huh...i just want to ask ..if ya dont mind...not about ur blog but about your i go through you blog..i find out that you work with some kind of software or proggramming stuff..whatever...
i just want to know why you prefer to work there..
accept from ur educational background reason..
please tell me other reason..yeah for me its very important if u can tell..tq
just want you to know..
i might be a wierdo,
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